About Us

Hello readers! My name is Leanna and I’m a freelance artist who’s working from home in my own mosaic and painting studio.

I have three creative and marketing people in my team who are helping me put my work together, score gigs and prepare for exhibits.

My fascination with chat lines and phone dating basically started due to the nature of my work. As an artist, I spend most of my time working alone. My studio is my solace and comfort zone.

But as much as my career and lifestyle gives me a sense of fulfillment, it limits the opportunity for me to mingle with others and make new friends. The same thing goes for the two people in my team.

That’s why we started exploring a modern way to connect with other people right from our workplace or homes – in our own time and at our own pace.

Chat Lines enable busy individuals like my team to achieve a healthy and happy social life without losing our focus on work.

We believe that talking to different people is important because we can learn a lot from others – especially from new acquaintances with distinct personalities.

Their views, perspectives and opinions can all contribute to our learning and worth as a person. The more people we talk to, the more we come across various realizations.

And that’s where we can draw out inspiration in our work and in life.

My mosaic and painting studio represents who I am; but I get a lot of inspiration from other people that I talk to. And the chat lines make it all possible for a humble artist like me to have a healthy social life.

The experience enables me to reach out to different people so I may be able to broaden my horizon without losing my focus and to make new friends while spending time working on my passion.

Chat lines enable us to connect and interact with other people in our most convenient time and at our own pace which allows us to focus on our passion while making new friends and acquaintances along the way.

I believe that I have the various aspects of my life right in perfect balance despite spending all my time at home working.

And the chat lines make it all so rewarding as well for my whole team. It infuses a whole lot of excitement in our lives and gives us something that we can always look forward to.

And now, I’m sharing all of these with you so that you may also achieve a good work and life balance regardless of how busy you are with your ambitions.

Join me and my mosaic observatory team as we dig deeper into the world of chat lines.